Saturday, August 22, 2009

My First Post

Here we are in August 2009. I've had 3 more years with my boys, now 9 and 14, and my husband. That's not what I would have imagined 3 long years ago when I got the dreaded news that I had carcinoid cancer.

My first visit with the doctor, "our best oncologist" (according to my medical group) went like this....she came in, pointed to her watch, then looked at me, and said, "OK, you have 10 minutes....GO."

She half listened to my questions while she filled out the prescription for morphine, which she perfunctorily handed to me and said, "No, there will be no more tests for you, and no treatments. We will try to make you as comfortable as possible." I went home and cried for 3 days, but my friends and family came on strong and said, "No! Don't believe her...get a second opinion....find an expert."

Getting a second opinion with HMO insurance?? The lovely Dr (we call her "the witch doctor" or just "witch" for short) of course denied my request for a second opinion. It was again family, friends, and a newly found carcinoid cancer support group, that told me, "NO! You are entitled BY LAW to a second opinion OUTSIDE of your medical group." A dear friend called on my behalf and PLEADED with PacifiCare HMO for help, telling them, "My friend has two small children, there must be SOMETHING that can be done." Thanks to that phone call, I got a "nurse-case-manager" assigned to my case from PacifiCare. Also, I found out that the witch Dr had not really followed procedure in getting my request processed. So, I was told I would get a second opinion.

Next, I had to find my own second opinion doctor...a CARCINOID SPECIALIST and fortunately for me there is a carcinoid specialist in Los Angeles at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Dr. Edward Wolin (one of the very very best!). So I specifically asked PacifiCare for a second opinion with Dr. Wolin. That request came back denied because he wasn't a contract provider. Then, an angel helped me, Dr. Wolin's billing manager, who said, "Oh, we don't have to have a contract for a second opinion, we can negotiate a single visit contract with PacifiCare, tell them that and see what they say."

POOF!!! I had my second opinion approved and was on my way to see Dr. Wolin just 3 months after my initial diagnosis.

I learned not to take, "No" for an answer and also that no one would really offer help unless I asked!

I will post later about the 4 hour visit with Dr. Wolin, who has saved my life so far and given me 3 more years with my family. Praise God!

Philippians 4:13 (New International Version)

13I can do everything through him who gives me strength.