Friday, May 14, 2010

Another new symptom this week - heart palpitations

As I prepare for my monthly oncology visit today, I have to prioritize what to discuss.  I have a 2 page summary of my disease that I usually bring to keep my local oncologist up-to-date with my other doctor visits, treatments, symptoms, and my questions of the day.   I have found this above all has helped my doctors visits.

If it would be helpful to anyone, I will probably post this letter minus my personal data.  This is a really important part of any Dr visit.  A big secret, doctors don't like to share, is that they are human too!  Yep, under that white coat they have feelings, get tired, burnt out, preoccupied, and just like everyone there are things and people they don't like.  By the time I see the doctor, who knows what he has already had to deal with today or what is on his plate.  I really try to help him focus on my case, what I need, and try to do it with as little energy as possible.  He is human, too, after all, and has a limited attention span like all of us.

However, today I don't feel like updating my sheet because that makes me have to focus on all that is wrong with me and I'm tryin my best to live like Cleopatra in the land of De-nial.  Can you relate?  I open the file in another window now to help myself get started with this task.

I have a disturbing new symptom to add to my update: heart palpitations.  They started a couple weeks ago.  Just sitting watching TV with hubby, my heart started feel like it was doing flip-flops in my chest.  Kept it up for hours that night and I didn't get much sleep.  In fact, it is doing it right now.   Mental note:  need to check the ACOR carcinoid archives for heart palpitations and check with all my carcinoid buddies from support group.  

Even before I do all of this, I am about 100% sure that this is just another part of my carcinoid cancer and/or carcinoid syndrome.  Maybe my enlarged liver full of tumors is pressing on my heart/circulation and causing this.  Whatever it is, just add another sock to the sock pile.

As I get ready to sign off, I get a blast from the rose bush outside my window.  OK I can't wait to walk out and feel the sun shine on my face.


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